
Word counter books
Word counter books

word counter books

The adherence to this is never more tested than when a writer pushes the limit to the full 110k or beyond. There are few exceptions of published debut novels not falling between these strict markers. Literary / Commercial / Women's: 80,000 to 110,000 - These genres vary greatly in how their stories are told, but not in how many words are used to tell them.All of these costs can be drastically reduced by a writer demonstrating a professional respect for the guidelines outlined below. It costs a great deal of money to actually bind books. It costs time and money to have an editor work scrupulously with an author to condense their book down to an acceptable word count. It costs money to proofread a book twice the length of another. Not just managing the economy of word usage, but of greater importance, it is more economical to a publishing house to publish a book of a specific length, than to publish one that is longer. The guidelines are there for a reason: economics. The majority still use the same guidelines as beginning writers, because not to, is disrespectful to their publishing colleagues who set them. This is not to say that all authors now do so. The more obstinate writers keen to trail blaze their own approach will claim rules are there to be broken.

#Word counter books how to

So it is of no wonder that aspiring writers not au fait with how to edit their manuscript will become confused at just how ruthless they need to be with their final draft. To further complicate the clarification, a minority of publishers have their own specifications on what is acceptable for submission. This in itself can prove tricky because contrary to the belief in some quarters, word count is not a rule, it is only ever a guideline. In writing conferences, creative courses and in online forums, a beginning writer will invariably ask for a clear definition of what is acceptable in any particular genre. Writers are not only concerned with what words to use, but also, how many.

Word counter books